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TAPWAVOC is a radio program brought to you by W.T.U.B. 99.2 Radio.
note: any and all celebrities are being impersonated, this show does not reflect the actualveiws of any celebrities listed.

Wanitah and Litch Jones join Claude, and discuss the effectiveness of the Obama Administration.

Wanitah joins Claude to cont. the prior discussion. Caller joins in


Actor Sylvester Stallone joins Claude to discuss general conservativism. 

Actor Al Pacino joins Claude, and the two discover some differences of opinion.

Bill Cosby mixes things up with Claude.

A surprise actor and politician joins Claude, and the two butt heads on abortion, gun control, and capitol punishment.

Actor William Shatner joins Cluade. Will has some trouble staying on topic.

Leonard Nimoy steps out from the shadows to join Claude, and the two are suprised by their similarities.

Unexpected visitor Jackie Chan, matches wits with Claude.

Ozzy Osboure joins Claude for some Q and A.

Claudes changes things up, with a call-in segment

Claude talks with Clint Eastwood,and an angry Caller.

Sean Connery joins Claude, and the two argue witha caller.

Tommy Lee Jones joins Claude, and the two discuss Jones views.

Whoopi Goldberg joins Claude, only to rediscover their differences, have never been settled.

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